Bollywood actor Kartik Aaryan shared his experience of portraying a dark character in the film “Freddy,” revealing that the intensity of his role led him to become a “loner” on set. Kartik disclosed in an interview with Etimes that delving into the minutest details of his character even involved consulting a dentist to understand their perspective. He immersed himself so deeply in the role that he began to experience a shift in his own behavior, transitioning from being the cheerful one to a more reserved persona.
The actor acknowledged that adopting the traits of his character had a significant impact on him. Kartik admitted to entering a dark mental space after the filming of “Freddy,” a phenomenon he had heard about from fellow actors and read about as well. Despite his usual inclination to spend ample time with family and friends, Kartik confessed that he became a loner for a period, grappling with peculiar thoughts and sleepless nights.
Reflecting on the change in his demeanor, Kartik noted that he struggled to shake off the character even when not on set. Director Rohit Dhawan, working on “Shehzada,” observed this transformation and pointed out the drastic shift in Kartik’s body language. Consequently, adjustments were made to the schedule of “Shehzada.”
“Freddy,” co-starring Alaya F, is scheduled for release on December 2 on Disney Plus Hotstar.